Xth International Symposium on Natural Products Chemistry and Applications, Chillan, Chile, November 2019

26 – 29, November 2019
Termas de Chillan – Chile

First Workshop in Natural Products Chemistry and its applications

Chillan Chile UBB, Nov 2019.

First Announcement


November 26-29-2019

Termas de Chillan – Chile

The Chilean Society of Chemistry, through the Division of Natural Products Chemistry invite you to participate in the Xth International Symposium on Natural Products Chemistry and Applications to be held at Termas de Chillan, Chillan, Chile.

The organizers are the University of Bio Bio, University of Talca, Federico Santa María Technical University and the Division of Chemistry of Natural Products of the Chilean Society of Chemistry.

Organizing committee:

President:                                                         Dr. Julio Alarcon Enos

Vice-President:                                                              Dr. Luis Espinoza

Secretary:                                                         Dr. Gerardo Cabello

Treasury:                                                           Dr. Margarita Gutiérrez Cabrera

International Coordinator:                         Dr. Carlos L. Céspedes A.

Assistants Coordinator                                Dra. Fabiana Lima

Scientific Committee:

– Dra. Margarita Gutierrez          –           Universidad de Talca

– Dr. Aurelio San Martín B.        –           Universidad de Chile

– Dr. Zhao Jun Wei                    –           Universidad Tecnologica de Hefei

– Dr. Jose G. Avila                    –           Univ. Nacional Autonoma de Mexico

– Dr. Massuo Kato                    –           Universidad de Sao Paulo

– Dra. Cecilia Carpinella             –           Universidad de Católica de Cordoba

– Dr. Cesar Catalan                   –           Universidad Nacional de Tucuman

– Dr. Luis Espinoza                   –           Universidadad Federico Santa Maria

– Dr. Alejandro Urzua M.            –           Universidad de Santiago de Chile

– Dr. Victor Fajardo                   –           Universidad de Magallanes

– Dr. Glauco Morales                –           Universidad de Antofagasta

– Dr. Carlos Hincapie                –           Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

– Dr. Kannan Rengasamy R.R.   –           Alagappa University, Karaikudi, India

– Dra. Barbara Moreno              –           Universidad Nacional de Colombia

– Dra. Tatiana Lobo E.               –           Universidad Nacional de Colombia

– Dra. Li-Shu Wang                   –           Medical College of Wisconsin,USA

– Dr. Luis F. Echeverri               –           Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia

– Dr. Mauricio Battino                –           Univ.Politecnica delle Marche,Italy/ University of Vigo, Vigo Spain

– Dr. Paulo C. Vieira                  –           Universidad de Sao Paulo, Brasil

– Dr. Diego Sampietro              –           Universidad Nacional de Tucuman

– Dr. Juan C. Marin                   –           Universidad Nacional de Colombia

– Dr. Luis G. Sequeda C.           –           Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bog. Colombia.

– Dr. Alejandro Madrid              –           Universidad de Playa Ancha

– Dr. Ivan Montenegro               –           Universidad de Valparaiso

– Dr. Jianbo Xiao                      –           Universidad de Macau, China.

– Dr. Milen Goergiev                 –           Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.

– Dr. Strahil Berkov                   –           Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

– Dra. Damaris Silveira              –           Universidade de Brasilia

– Dra. Elena Stashenko             –           Universidad Industrial de Santander, Colombia

– Dr. Francisco Macias              –           Universidad de Cadiz, España

– Dr. Mah Siau Hui                    –           Taylor’s University, Malaysia

This symposium on natural products includes topics such as natural product isolation, properties and biological activities, in this occasion the scope has been open to berries, foods and phytomedicines. Examining the different approaches, techniques and applications in natural product research especially toward Agricultures, Medicines, drug and prodrug, biotechnology and other related fields. From Americas and different areas on over the world. This will be 10th of a series of symposia on natural products, following on from the success of IXth version meeting in 2016 in Termas de Chillan, Chile.

The key objectives of the meeting are:

– Share best practice in natural product research      – Explore opportunities for collaboration.

– Create networks and collaboration opportunities between leading experts in natural product research and students.

Format:  The format for the symposium will be a four-days scientific symposium featuring a range of both American, South American, European and other international speakers showcasing their research in natural products.

Specific Aims:   Bring together ​​national and international researchers in natural products, berries and foods from universities and research organizations, to disseminate the results of research in the area.

The Symposium includes the presentation of plenary lectures on the modalities of invited-lecture, short lecture and plenary conference, with international speakers.

In addition, there will be poster session in the following subjects:

– Chemistry of Natural Products.   – Synthesis of Natural Products  – (Ethno) botany (ethno) pharmacology.   – Medicinal Chemistry            – Ecological Chemistry    – Biological Activities    – Biotechnology    – Industrial applications                                              – Metabolomics, Nutrition and Foods         – Toxicology (ecotoxicology, genotoxicity, etc)

Target audiences:

– Researchers / academics from universities and public and private entities.

– Postdoctoral – Graduate Students (PhD and Master) – Undergraduates

– Entrepreneurs     –        General public

International speakers:

1.- Prof. Dr. Massuo Jorge Kato. Profesor Titular. Departamento de Química Fundamental. Instituto de Química – Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Brasil. «Bioactivity and biosynthesis of polyketides from Peperomia species».

2.- Prof. Maurizio Battino, Ph.D. – Editor in Chief J. Berry Res., Mediterranean J. Nut. Metabol. Current address: Nutrition and Food Science Group, Department of Analytical and Food Chemistry, CITACA, CACTI, University of Vigo, Vigo Campus, 36310 Vigo, Spain. Former address: Universita Politecnica delle Marche. Ancona, Italy. «The protective effects of natural bioactive compounds against oxidative agents, xenobiotics and inflammatory mediators».

3.- Prof. Francisco A. Macías, Ph.D., – Catedratico de Química Orgánica. Universidad de Cádiz. Spain. “Why drink tea from Cherimoya leaves”.

4.- Prof. Isidro González, Ph.D., – Catedratico de Química Orgánica. Universidad de Cádiz. Spain. “Metabolomic and genomic studies applied to the selective control of the phytopathogen fungus Botrytis cinerea”.

5.- Dr. Eugenio Uriarte – Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Spain.

6.- Dr. Fernando Echeverri L. – Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia: “PORQUE HAY TANTAS MOLECULAS NATURALES BIOACTIVAS PERO TAN POCOS MEDICAMENTOS?”.

7.- Prof. Dr. Paulo Cezar Vieira. Profesor Titular, Facultad de Ciencias Farmacéuticas de Ribeirão Preto – USP. Brasil. “Search for inhibitors of Cisteine Proteases”.

8.- Dr. Moacir Forim. Profesor titular, Universidad de Sao Carlos, Brazil.  “Evaluation of herbivory on the metabolome of Gossypium hirsutum L using GC-MS/MS and UHPLC-QTof MS: search for biomarkers of botanical resistance mechanisms”.

9.- Dr. José Guillermo Avila A. – Profesor Titular C, UBIPRO, FES-Iztacala, UNAM, México DF, México. “Actividad fotoprotectora de productos naturales”.

10.- Dr. Azucena Gonzalez-Coloma. Full Researcher. Spanish National Research Council · Instituto de Productos Naturales y Agrobiología · applied phytochemistry. Spain · “Biotechnological production and optimization of silphinene-based insect antifeedants”.

11.- Dr. Kleber Thiago de Oliveira. Professor Associado II. Universidade Federal do Sao Carlos, Sao Carlos, Brasil. “Synthesis of naturally occurring curcuminoids by enabling technologies, and photolarvicidal effects against Aedes aegypti larvae: A cost-benefit application of curcumin as photosensitizer.”

12.- Dra. Maria Fatima da Silva, Professor Titular, Departamento de Quimica, Universidad Federal de Sao Carlos, Brazil. “As defesas químicas de citrus aos seus fitopatógenos”.

13.- Prof. Elizabeth Jeffery, Ph.D. Emeritus Professor ACES, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Ill, USA. “The broccoli and sulforaphane as anticâncer?”

14.- Dra. Barbara Moreno, Univ. Nacional de Colombia, Bogota, Colombia.

15.- Prof. Jaume Bastidas, Ph.D., Universidad de Barcelona. «La Biodiversidad Iberoamericana como fuentes de recursos naturales para su explotación sostenible: los alcaloides de las Amaryllidaceae»

16.- Prof. David S. Seigler, Ph. D., University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Ill, USA. The Chemistry of Beer.

17.- Dr. Jianbo Xiao. Associate Editor J Berry Res, Food Chem Toxicol., Phytochem. Analysis/ Editorial board Food Chem., Ind. Crop Prod, Phytomedicine. Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences, State Key Laboratory of Quality Research in Chinese Medicine, Universidad de Macau, Macau, China.

18.- Dra. Elena Stashenko, Univ. Industrial de Santander, Bucaramanga, Colombia.

19.- Prof. Daniele Passarella, Ph. D. Dipartimento di Chimica Universitá degli Studi di Milano, Milano, Italia. Synthesis of Natural Products Alkaloids: “From Natural Products to Anticancer Self-assembled Nanoparticles”. 

20.- Prof. Dr. Marcus Scotti, Profesor Asociado, Departamento de Química. Universidad Federal de Paraiba, Brasil. «Application of cheminformatics tools in natural product databases»

21.- Prof. Dr. Philippe Christen. Section des sciences pharmaceutiques.

University of Geneva – University of Lausanne, Pharmacognosy. Université de Genevé, Suiza  

22.- Dr. Jose H. Isaza, Prof. Titular, Depto. De Química. Univ. del Valle, Cali, Colombia. “Polifenoles: Química orgánica analítica en fase acuosa”.

23.- Dr. Bruno Botta, Deputy Rector for the Internationalization, Head of Department. University of Roma, La Sapienza, Roma, Italy. Synthesis of Natural Products: “The Evolving Role of Natural Products in Drug Discovery”.

24.- Dr. Oscar M. Mosquera, Univ. Tecnológica de Pereira, Pereira, Colombia. “Bioprospeccion de plantas de la ecorregión cafetera de Colombia con actividad Neuroprotectora.”

25.- Dr. Luiz Carlos Dias. Prof. Titular. – University of Campinas/UNICAMP – Brazil. Synthesis of Natural Products: «Progress in the area of total synthesis of bioactive natural products»

26.- Dr. Zhao-Jun Wei. School of Food Science and Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, People’s Republic of China.

27.- Dr. Longsheng Chen. Anhui Academy of Science and Technology, Hefei 230031, P.R. China.

28.- Dra. Li-Shu Wang. Guest Editor J Berry Res., Ed. In chief eFood. Haemathology Dept. Medical College of Wisconsin. USA. “Are we ready for precision cancer prevention using black raspberries?”

29.- Dr. Armando Ariza-Castolo. CINVESTAV- Departamento de Quimica. Instituto Politecnico Nacional, Mexico D.F., Mexico. “qNMR in natural products”.

30.- Dr. Satyajit D. Sarker. Editor in Chief Phytochemical Analysis. School of Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences, Faculty of Science, Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool L3 3AF, England, UK

31.- Dr. Richard Robbins. CNRS France. Editor in Chief Phytochemistry. Faculty of Sciences, CEISAM CNRS UMR6230, Université de Nantes, Nantes, France.

32.- Dra. Marisol Berti. Editor in Chief, Industrial Crop and Products. Department of Plant Sciences. North Dakota State University. “Camelina properties as animal feed and human food.”

33.- Dra. Maria Cecilia Carpinella. Prof. Titular, IRNASUS CONICET-UCC. Universidad Católica de Cordoba, Cordoba, Argentina. Associate Editor  of BMC Complementary & Alternative Medicine.  “Drug Discovery from Argentinian plants”.


National Speakers

Will be confirmed in a next call.

Important: Special Editions:

Food and Chemical Toxicology (Elsevier/impact factor 3.97), will publish a special issue with selected papers from the meeting. These articles must be into of scope of this journal, with some toxicological, protective or ameliorating aspects clearly defined. FCT will publish articles which possess focus on toxicology studies; from farm to fork foods safety for largely available natural product suitable for human consumption deserving special attention to agricultural/industrial safety as well as product safety for consumer use as well as phytomedicines. Areas such as safety evaluation of novel foods and ingredients, biotechnologically-derived products, and nanomaterials are included in the scope of the journal.

Journal of Berry Research (IOS Press/impact factor 2.175), will publish a special issue about Isolation and identification of Natural Products from Berry-plants, and other natural berry or fruits resources. This special issue aims to provide current trend and forefront in berry research. We invite researchers to contribute research and/or review articles in the fields of chemistry and biological and physiological functions. The topics include, but are not limited to, Chemistry, Toxicology, Drug Discovery, Pharmacology, Ethnopharmacology, Phytomedicines, Nutraceuticals, Functional Foods and foods, Wild Edible and Medicinal Plants, Metabolomics, Pharmacology and Toxicology, Analytical methods.

Mediterranean Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism: (IOS Press) This special issue address to specialists in the fields of Natural Product Chemistry, Food Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Toxicology, Herbal Drugs Discovery, Natural Product Pharmacology, Ethnopharmacology, Phytomedicines, Nutraceuticals, Functional Foods, Wild Edible and Medicinal Plants, and Metabolomics. This special issue aims to provide current advances in nutrition and metabolism research. We invite research and review articles in determination of how nutrition affects our health and diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome, etc. Further, molecular, cellular and human metabolism, nutrient sensing, and nutrient–gene interactions using omic-based approaches are in interest.

Industrial Crop and Products: So too papers with a scope related to agro-applications will be published in another Elsevier journal. Industrial Crop and Products (3.85 impact factor) will to publish a special issue with selected papers from the meeting.

Please, the authors who wish to publish their contributions in these journals should promptly notify that option to Dr. Carlos L. Cespedes, e-mail: cespedes.leonardo@gmail.com

All papers for international journals must be submitted under respective platforms (Elsevier and IOS press) and be previously accepted by guest editors.  Guest Editors: Dr. Li-Shu Wang (JBR), Dr. Marisol Berti (INDCROPROD), Dr. Carlos L. Cespedes (the 4 journals) and Dr. Julio Alarcon (the 4 journals).

Special Workshop

“How to write an scientific article”

Dr. Marisol Berti: Editor in Chief, Industrial Crop and Products. Department of Plant Sciences. North Dakota State University.

Elsevier Company.

Registration Fees

Registration fees (in US dollars, even before September 30, 2019. After that date there will be a surcharge of US $ 50.00 (fifty US dollars))

Private Sector US $ 900.00.-

Academic Sector per person:

– Single room US $ 850.00.-

– Double room US $ 750.00.-

– Triple room US $ 700.00.-

Students US $ 700.00.- (all students need credit letter of this condition/and will be in a triple room)

Payment of the registration fee includes hotel (three nights, rooms with Wi-Fi, with buffet breakfast, lunch and dinner included) and access to the complete conference program and abstract book, use of audiovisual, coffee during scientific sessions, welcome cocktail and dinner closing. Accompaniers will have the same rights as participants paying registration.

The Hotel Termas de Chillan includes:

  • 03 nights’ accommodation. (With breakfast, lunch and dinner, Cocktail Opening and Closing dinner).
  • Access to heated swimming pool with mineral water at a temperature of 37 ° C. This pool has a covered area and an outdoor exit with whirlpool sectors.
  • Access to outdoor pool with water at room temperature, with double whirlpool and system streams. (This pool works only in summer).
  • Access to Sauna and steam baths Allus Wellness & SPA.
  • Access to gym. • Daily Activities Team Experience and Entertainment. (Karaoke, dance classes … etc ..). • Access Tennis Courts **
  • Game room with Pool, Ping-Pong, Wii, Play Station.
  • Wi-Fi in rooms and public areas.

For students it has enabled special rooms:

The value of the student registration is in a shared room (triple room) and includes:

  • 03 nights’ accommodation. • Wi-Fi in rooms and public areas.
  • Full board (Breakfast, Lunches and dinners in Gran Hotel Termas).

For more information contact:

Dr. Julio Alarcon Enos, e-mail: jualarcon@ubiobio.cl

Dr. Carlos L. Cespedes, e-mail: cespedes.leonardo@gmail.com

– We will be sending a second circular with the hotel information, each participant must make a reservation at the host hotel.

Chillán City, Ñuble Region, Chile:

Chillan is a city and commune of Chile, capital of the Ñuble region. Administrative, economic and cultural center of the province, is the second most populous longitudinal or Chilean Central Valley city, is located between the two largest urban centers of the country, Santiago (at 400 Km) and Concepcion City (100 Km).

The Ñuble River Valley, which together with the Ñuble and Chillan rivers surrounding the city, allowing the production of various agricultural products, especially grapes and berries. Numerous streams and channels cross Chillan City. Those are remnants of agricultural activity in the respective areas.

Going to Chillan:

By air: From the airport exit to take a flight to the city of Concepcion, after a stopover and step through customs / immigration at the International Airport of Santiago de Chile, the airport of the city of Concepcion City “Carriel Sur” is called.

From Santiago, International Airport Buses run directly to the bus terminal (Tur-Bus). You can also hire a shuttle service to take you to the bus terminals and / or Train Station.

From the southern bus terminal in Santiago, Chillan buses depart throughout the day with a frequency of 15-20 minutes, there are several bus lines can be recommended: Eme-Bus, Linatal, South Pullman, Tur-Bus, etc.

From Rail Central Station, to get the Terra-South train to the city of Chillan.

From the city of Concepción: For the shuttle from Airport-South Carriel Concepción City a minibus service which is an additional cost of US $ 20 to 30, toward host Hotel at Termas de Chillan.-

These services are direct to the doors of the Gran Hotel Termas de Chillan Hotel.

Arrivals will be coordinated by Dr. Gerardo Cabello Secretary, Dr. Carlos L. Cespedes International Coordinator and Ms. Margarita Parra (Hotel manager).

Abstract preparation, at following page:

Call for Papers (abstracts)

  • Indicate in which subject you want your abstract to be included.
  • The dimensions of the poster must be 80 x 100 cms.
  • To send Abstracts in Spanish, Portuguese or English language.
  • Information about Acceptance of the abstract to E-mail of correspondence author.
  • Deadline of receipt of abstracts: September 30, 2019. The book of abstracts forms part of the records of the Chilean Book Chamber and therefore is a special book with ISBN number and to this effect strongly as soon as possible send their abstracts requested.
  • Please, let us know if you will publish your contribution at some of the journals of Symposium.

Food and Chemical Toxicology, J. of Berry Research, Mediterranean Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism and Industrial Crop and Products.

  • Abstracts must be submitted online by e-mail to:

Dr. Gerardo Cabello, E-mail: gcabello@ubiobio.cl,

Dr. Carlos Cespedes, E-mail: cespedes.leonardo@gmail.com,

Dra. Fabiana Lima S., E-mail: falimasilva@hotmail.com


  • Authors must submit abstracts in Word format. Title: black (Arial, 11 or 12 pt, single spaced, centered and capital). Text: 10 pt, single space. Authors: Name of each author separated by commas. The name of the author who will present the work must be underlined, eg: Rosa Menendez, Daniel Ramirez. Institutions, Address, E-mail. Abstracts should contain introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion, conclusions and any reference if needed. The leaf margins justified in 3.0 cms on all four sides. Maximum length, letter-size (A4) sheet.

X International Symposium on Natural Products Chemistry and Applications, Chile 2019.

How to prepare your summary for the present symposium
Aleixeis Sanchez1, Arturis Vidal2, Johanne Lettuce3

1Laboratory of Toxicology, Department of Sciences, Universidad del Bío-Bío, Chile
2Department of Natural Products, Faculty of Sciences, University of Ñuble, Chile
3Basic and Applied Research Center of Toxins and Rare Substances, Santiago, Chile

The preparation of the summary should not extend more than one page. The abstract must be sent in Word format for later editing. Use the «letter» format (21.59 cm x 27.94 cm). Use top, bottom and side margins of 2.5 cm.

The complete document should be written with font type «Calibri» size 12 pt. The title should be centered and in bold. Authors should be signaled with a superscript for affiliations; the author who tentatively presents the work must go in bold, it is not necessarily the first author or the corresponding author. Please include the email address of the corresponding author or who presents the work. Finally, the title, authors, affiliation and email must always be centered. The summary must be written in English.

When the summary is done, save the document with your first and last name, in this example: AleixeisSanchez. If you submit more than one paper, you must list your abstracts: AleixeisSanchez1, AlexisSanchez2 and so on.

If you wish to incorporate references [1] they are indicated by a number in brackets as shown in this example [2]. You can also incorporate Schemes and figures if you deem it convenient to facilitate the understanding of your work.

We appreciate the funding of sources a and b, as well as that of other person, who did all the work.

[1] Carlos L. Cespedes, et al. 2018. Food Chem. 216, 70-78.

[2] Julio Alarcón, et al. 2019. The Phytochemical Rev. 369, 50-57.